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Updated: Jan 12, 2022

Split Squat is nothing but a squat performed in a split stance and unlike the normal squat here we can emphasis on each leg separately(unilateral training). Bulgarian Split Squat is also a variation of Split Squat where the rear leg is elevated at some height. But there is a lot of confusion among the people whether the "knees can go beyond toes " or can "the torso move forward" while performing the Split Squat. To clear this confusion lets look into the biomechanics of Split Squat and breakdown each variation in detail. After reading this blog completely you will get a clear idea on which variation would be best for you based on the target muscles and joint loading. Before we start let's get into the basics of physics to get a better understanding Torque = Force × Moment Arm

  • Force vector here would be the perpendicular line drawn from the shoulders to the floor, since that's the point where we place the barbell or hold a dumbbell, even with the bodyweight squat that's the centre of gravity where maximum force would be felt

  • Moment arm for knee and hip is needed here to know the activation of quadriceps and glutes respectively.

Knee Moment Arm :

Perpendicular is drawn from the knee joint to the force vector.

Hip Moment Arm :

Perpendicular is drawn from the hip joint to the force vector. Now to know about the quadriceps and glute activation, since the force is constant we just have to check the moment arms. Longer Knee Moment Arm = Higher Quadriceps Activation Longer Hip Moment Arm = Higher Glutes Activation. When the shins move forward the knee angle reduces which will put slightly more load on your knees when compared with a vertical shin position, but that's not

a problem if you don't have any knee injuries already.


Knee Moment Arm > Hip Moment Arm

Quadriceps Activation > Glutes Activation

Conclusion: Less knee joint loading and best for those who are looking for quadriceps dominant split squat.


Knee Moment Arm = Hip Moment Arm

Quadriceps Activation = Glutes Activation

Conclusion: Less knee joint loading and best for those who are looking for equal quadriceps and glutes activation with split squat.


Knee Moment Arm >>Hip Moment Arm

Quadriceps Activation > >Glutes Activation

Conclusion: More knee joint loading and best for those who are looking for the highest quadriceps activation in comparison with glutes while performing a split squat.


Knee Moment Arm < Hip Moment Arm

Quadriceps Activation < Glutes Activation

Conclusion: More knee joint loading and best for those who are looking for glutes dominant split squat.

So decide the variation based on the glute and quad activation and for different

proprioception and muscles activation, one can also combine all these variations into their routine.

To add more resistance to the split squats you can always use dumbbells or resistance

bands thus helping you to overload these exercises and build the

strength and size of your leg muscles.

To know more about the Split Squats watch this Video :

To perform this exercise effectively and get the maximum out of it you might need :


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