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Fall Asleep Under 2mins | Better Recovery Greater Muscular Gains (US MILITARY TECHNIQUE)

Updated: Aug 9, 2021

If you’re used to lying in bed awake at night, brain whirring at a million miles an hour and unable to get the sweet, sweet slumber you crave, then good news.

There's a brilliant US military technique that is said to help anyone fall asleep in just two minutes - and it might just change your life.

The trick is reportedly used by the US army to help them fall asleep in situations that are less than peaceful, such as on battlefields.

And it was seen that after 6 weeks of practising this technique almost 96% of the army were able to sleep under 2mins on the battlefield where you can hardly find any silent and ambient place for sleeping.

And in terms of gaining muscles and losing fat also the recovery is very important and if you are not recovering properly then no matter how hard you train you will never be able to build muscles and lose fat, sleep plays a vital role in our recovery since that's the time when our body starts repairing itself.

A lot of people chase motivation to be consistent with their workout but they always forget the importance of recovery when it comes to staying consistent with the workouts, if you are not recovering properly after workouts through rest and nutrition then you will never be able to deliver the same intensity the next day and you might feel exhausted to do any kind of workouts, that's what breaks the consistency and restricts you from achieving your fitness goals.

Now let's see the steps which we have to follow to implement this technique into our routine :


We can make this technique more effective by working on improving our sleeping environment.

a. Make the room dark

Make sure there are no lights in the room where you sleep not even the small led lights and also switch off your mobiles and other screens which emit light at least 15 to 30mins prior to sleep. You can use sleeping mask or blackout curtains to achieve this purpose.

This step is very important as our brain releases melatonin(a sleep-aiding hormone) only when it senses complete darkness, even a small bright light can affect the melatonin secretion

b. Maintain an optimal room temperature

Maintaining a temperature of around 15 to 20 degrees celcius is considered ideal for sleeping

c. Adjust the humidity of the room

A humidity of 40-60% is considered ideal for sleeping.

d. Add white noise if needed ( optional)

White noise can help you to suppress any additional noise in your space and distract your mind to get more peaceful.

e. Static stretching & Hot shower

Static stretching before sleeping can help you with muscular recovery for the next day and a hot shower will slightly decrease your body temperature, a drop that scientifically helps trigger a tranquil, drowsy feeling by slowing down essential metabolic activities.

f. Choose a medium-firm mattress

A medium-firm mattress rather than extremely soft or hard ones are considered beneficial since they won't ruin your posture while sleeping.


There are around 43 muscles in our face and if you observe carefully we generally tend to tense our facial muscles in any stressful situations, thus by relaxing our facial muscles our body will sense that we are going into a restful state thus releasing the right hormones and moving into a parasympathetic state.


Lower down and relax your arm and torso muscles such that you don't feel their weights and imagine that they are sinking into the bed, you should not keep any tension in these muscles and keep on trying to relax them as much as possible.


Once you have relaxed your upper body then follow the same process for the lower body and relax all the muscles such that you release the tension in them and allow your body to move into a restful state.


By now we assume that all your muscles are relaxed and you can't sense any movement in your body.

Relaxing all the muscles helps our brain to realise that there is no movement happening and also helps it to release the required hormones for sleeping,


This is an important step because our thoughts also play an important role to push us into a restful sleep,

Here are the do and don'ts on the thoughts which you should prefer before sleep.

Do not think about anything which involves movement as this causes micro contractions in our muscles and may hamper our restful state.

Think about relaxing and being stationary and other peaceful thoughts which do not involve any movements or urgency.

These are the five steps that you have to implement to get the results from this technique, it has been seen that it took 6 weeks of practice for the US army to get a success rate of 96%, so make sure that you stay consistent with this method to achieve some amazing results.

Why It Works

When you are trying to sleep in a stressful situation, your mind goes in all types of directions. Stressful does not have to be a war zone type experience. You could be a mother with a newborn or have to go to work in a few hours. These situations can prevent a good nights sleep.

When using US military sleep technique, you will relax manually and stop your mind from drifting and keep it focused on something simple. Similar to the counting sheep method, we are calming and relaxing ourselves to get some sleep quickly.

I read somewhere that it has a 96% success rate when practised for 6 weeks. I believe it may be this book, Relax and Win. While it speaks about increasing your performance physically, it does stress the importance of a good nights rest.

To know more about my experience with this technique check out this video :

★ Sleeping Aids :


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Facebook Page : TheSuppleStrength

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