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Anatomy Of Breathing & How To Breathe During Different Exercises

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

Basics Of Breathing

If you’re breathing effectively, your breath will be smooth, steady, and controlled.

You should feel relaxed and as though you’re able to get enough air without straining.

It should feel easy to breathe, and your breath should be silent or quiet. Your abdomen area will expand with each inhalation and contract with each exhalation. You can also feel your ribs expand to the front, sides, and back with each inhalation.

Muscles Involved In Breathing

So if you consider the anatomy it should not just feel on your belly but on your chest too due to diaphragm and other muscles activation, but only chest or only abdominal breathing is not considered as a good one so it should be a combination of both.

Diaphragm breathing exercise in a chair

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with your knees bent.

  2. Relax your shoulders, head, and neck.

  3. Put one hand on your upper chest and the other below your rib cage so you can feel the movement of your diaphragm.

  4. Inhale slowly through your nose so that your stomach presses against your hand.

  5. Keep the hand on your chest as still as possible.

  6. Engage your abdominal muscles as you exhale through pursed lips, keeping the hand on your upper chest still.

  7. Continue breathing like this for the duration of your exercise session.

Once you’re comfortable with both of these positions, you can try incorporating diaphragmatic breathing into your daily activities. Practice this breathing when you:

  • exercise

  • walk

  • climb stairs

  • finish carrying or lifting objects

  • shower

I have made a detailed video on breathing anatomy and exercises to improve your breathing technique,

Checkout The Video Here :

Breathing Pattern For Difference Exercises

1.Lifting Heavy Loads( 1Rep Max)

Valsalva Maneuver : To maximize intra-abdominal pressure during strength training, you should breathe deeply—approximately 75 percent of maximum—into your belly and hold that breath if possible throughout a repetition, exhaling only when you complete the rep. This provides optimal support for the spine, and it makes you stronger structurally.

2.Lifting SubMaximal Loads & Bodyweight Exercises

The general rule of thumb is to inhale through your nose, so the air enters your belly, right before the eccentric (muscle-lengthening) part of the motion.

Exhale during the concentric (muscle-shortening) part of the motion completely through your nose or mouth depending on the intensity

Hardest phase,Concentric Phase,Against Gravity : Exhale

Easy phase,Eccentric Phase,With Gravity : Inhale

3. Plyometric Exercises

Breath throughout the exercise. Inhale on the downward portions when body closes or prepares for explosion and exhale on the upward portion when body expands or explosive phases.

eg. Squat Jumps,Burpees,Punches

4. Isometric Exercises

Dont hold the breathe ever for difficult exercises perform shallow breathing at the ratio of 1:1 eg. LSit and for simple exercises use normal breathing with a ratio of 3:3 eg .PlanK

5. Cardio or Cardio Based

Exercises(Jog,Run,Cycling,Swimming,JumpingJacks,HighKnees etc.)

Steady breathing, start with a ratio of 3:2 which means 3 secs inhale and 4 secs Exhale(sync your breathing with steps,strokes or pedal counts for better movement),

As you increase the pace move on to 2:1 ratio.( 2 secs inhale 1 secs exhale)

And if the pace is too fast or you are sprinting the ratio would be 1:1

Inhale through nose and exhale through either nose or mouth,start with only nasal breathing but as the pace increases you can start exhaling through mouth.

6. Stretching & Recovery

Relaxed Deep Breathing , try to get even inhale and exhale times here start with 3;3 ratio of inhale and exhales and with practice aim to reach at 5:5 ratio.

Extending the exhalation helps to bring the parasympathetic nervous system online.

This will help you to master the even inhale and exhale which will indirectly help in breathing while doing all other exercises

I have made a detailed video on how to breathe during all these exercise categories:

Checkout The Video Here :


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